Ramai Tidak Tahu. Inilah Kisah Sebenar Azrinaz Mazhar Diceraikan Sultan Brunei


How To Detect A Fake Third Party Motor Insurance Certificate

To drive a car on Nigerian road one of the major requirements is for you to have a minimum of Third Party Motor Insurance Certificate. This is enshrined in the Section 68 of the 2003 Insurance Act which states, “No person shall use or cause or permit any other person to use a motor vehicle on a road unless a liability, which he may thereby incur in respect of damage to the property of third parties is insured with an insurer registered under this Act.”

But besides the legal aspect of it, do you know that there is N1m property damage cover and unlimited life cover to Third Parties on your Insurance Certificate? It is a sad situation in Nigeria that people are ignorantly or willfully (because of cost) purchasing fake certificates. My people, the bible says, perish for lack of knowledge. According to The police 90 per cent of Third Party Motor Insurance Certificates presented to them on demand by motorists at checkpoints are fake!

Ordinarily it is quite difficult to different between an authentic and a fake certificate because of the quality of the finishing of some of the certificates. But in 2012 the industry inaugurated the Nigerian Insurance Industry Database (NIID) with the mission to wipe out fake papers to give room for genuine ones to boom in the nation. This will allow law enforcement agents and vehicle owners to verify the authenticity of motor certificates within a minute! The Police now will be able to detect with a certain electronic device in their possession if your certificate is real or fake. Please do not be caught unawares, read on to find out how to detect the fake one yourself before it is too late.
